Maimonides wrote a commentary to a tractate in Talmud stressing that in the Messianic Age Jews will regain ther independence and their land, Israel. Their messiah will be a king greater than Solomon. People will be able to make a good living, peace will cover the earth. We will have a community of righteousness, honesty and goodness. All people will return to Judaism. We will know the meaning of all allegories. Jews will concern themselves with Torah and wisdom.

The personal Messiah will come from the Davidic line. There may be a bodily resurrection from the dead. Maimonides held that the events of the messianic era are not necessarily connected with the resurrection.
The human soul is immortal and will survives physical death. Hereafter is known as Olam Haba (world to come), a heavenly Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) and Gehinom (Purgatory). In medieval Judaism Gehinom is a place where souls cannot be tortured longer than 12 months, except in rare circumstances. It is considered a spiritual forge where the soul is purified so it can ascend to Gan Eden.
The Temple of Jerusalem will be rebuilt (Ezek 40). Jews will know Torah without study (Jer 31:33). Peoples of the world will turn to Jews for guidance (Zech 8:23). The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isa 1:26). The land will be abundant and fruitful (Isa 51:3, Amos 9:13, Ezed 36_29-30, Isa 11:6-9). See:,,,
The personal Messiah will come from the Davidic line. There may be a bodily resurrection from the dead. Maimonides held that the events of the messianic era are not necessarily connected with the resurrection.
The human soul is immortal and will survives physical death. Hereafter is known as Olam Haba (world to come), a heavenly Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) and Gehinom (Purgatory). In medieval Judaism Gehinom is a place where souls cannot be tortured longer than 12 months, except in rare circumstances. It is considered a spiritual forge where the soul is purified so it can ascend to Gan Eden.
The Temple of Jerusalem will be rebuilt (Ezek 40). Jews will know Torah without study (Jer 31:33). Peoples of the world will turn to Jews for guidance (Zech 8:23). The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isa 1:26). The land will be abundant and fruitful (Isa 51:3, Amos 9:13, Ezed 36_29-30, Isa 11:6-9). See:,,,
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